7 Rhodes Market
We have 200+ plant varieties, including specialty roses! One of a kind yard décor, vegetables, landscaping, potting supplies & much more - visit us for all your gardening needs!
Seed Potatoes & Candy Onion Plants available early April, call Kelsey at 785-386-8778 to organize a pick up time.

I’ve always loved flowers! Being outside in God’s Creation has always brought me peace and joy, especially in the spring. New life is blooming, birds are chirping, baby calves are being born – and it’s time to think about gardening and flowers!
There were many years in my life that I didn’t have the freedom to enjoy being outside. Sickness, surgery, and pain has been a constant part of my life since childhood.
Heat Lovers
More OptionsWe have several great options to withstand the Kansas heat! Gazania, Moss Roses, Zinnias, Succulents and much more!
Shade Lovers
More OptionsHave a lot of great shade trees? We have several great options that will thrive: Begonias, Coleus, Impatiens and several others!
Pot & Basket Lovers
More OptionsPrefer potted plants and hanging baskets to spruce up your yard? We have you covered: Begonias, Calibrachoa, Fuchsia, & Lobelia to name a few!
Shrubs & Bushes
More OptionsWe have several great shrubs and bushes those looking to broaden their landscaping design. Butterfly Bush, Lilacs, Burning Bush and many other great options.
Pepper Varieties
Click hereWe have many pepper varieties available and ready to plant! For all your salsa needs, visit use this Spring!
Tomato Varieties
Click hereWith over 15 tomato varieties, 7 Rhodes Market has just what you need for this years garden!
Vegetables, Herbs & Fruit Plants
Click hereWith many vegetable options, herbs and fruit trees, let 7 Rhodes Market be your destination this spring for all your gardening needs!